I am totally new to DH and to THATCamps; still figuring out semantics of workshops, sessions etc. But would like to propose a session or two.
First, I briefly mentioned in a response to the workshops post that one that offered a comparative overview of the potential and limitations of different tools such as drupal and omeka for different types of projects would be helpful. Deb Sarlin commented a similar request here that is worded more fully and clearly (and appropriately addressed to session topics). I bring it up here to make sure it gets put in the pot with the other session proposals.
I’d also like to propose a session on how DH scholars and practitioners are using sound and music in their projects and/or how sound and music scholars are participating in DH. As a director of a music archives and a jazz scholar with a pretty traditional background, I’d like to learn more about the tools that are available, how are they being put to use, and to what ends.