I thought I would share the notes I took this morning during Jadrian Miles’ excellent workshop Regular Expressions, Text Processing, and Web Scraping. The notes include the a key to general RE commands, annotations on lines from the python scripts we used in the workshop (available here: cs.brown.edu/~jadrian/thatcamp/), and annotated versions of some of the regular expressions we entered directly into the command line. There are also links to the RE tutorials Jadrian recommended.
Hopefully these will be a useful reference to others who attended the workshop, and maybe even peak the interest of those who weren’t there!
Thanks Emily! I’m currently working on thoroughly annotating the full transcript of the commands I typed into the terminal during the workshop. This includes all the regular expression examples, the demonstration of the Pitchfork scraper, and the word-frequency stuff we did at the end with the Latin document someone volunteered. That’ll be posted, along with some other goodies, on the workshop web page once I’m finished.