THATCamp 2012 in a Nutshell
THATCamp New England is an unconference that brings together scholars working in digital humanities. The 2012 meeting will be held at Brown University. The main unconference will be held on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Workshops will be held the Friday before, October 19.-
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- Jon Hazell on Ethics of Data Visualization
- Ben Brumfield on a product from the undergrad curriculum workshop!
- Building a Professional Persona Online « On public humanities on Workshop on building an online professional persona
- Jadrian on Notes from “Regular Expressions, Text Processing, and Web Scraping” Workshop
- James on Lightning Talks (Dork Shorts)
Zach Newell
- Humanities Librarian
- Salem State University
- Twitter: zlnewell
I have never read Nicholas Carr but I just finished the Stieg Larsson trilogy and I'm now a big fan. I am also a frequent contributor to a film review blog,
I am a humanities librarian with interests in the arts, the history of information and Middle East culture. I recently spent six months teaching in Alexandria, Egypt, working with the Arts and Multimedia library on digital trends in the arts. I enjoy cycling, drinking coffee and keeping up with technology news and trends. I am always looking for new ways to incorporate technology into my teaching. I'm also an avid New England sports fan.