Lightning Talks (Dork Shorts)

Tell us about your project, the great tools or apps that make your life worth living or anything that you think is relevant and worth telling about. You have two minutes, one topic, and you get to use one URL No Powerpoint, no time to load anything, no USB sticks.

We’ll have a round of lightning talks during the opening session. If you’d like to present, sign up by adding a comment below. Enter the URL you’d like to use in the comment as well, if you want to save time.  You can also decide to present on Saturday morning.

Give it a shot, Dork Shorts are fun.

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TEI from the Ground Up

These are some instructions for preparing for the TEI workshop:

This TEI micro-workshop comes in two parts:

1. Introduction to TEI
This morning session will introduce the basic ideas of text encoding with the TEI. No laptops or advance preparation are required, but if you’d like to follow along on your own computer, please download and install the free trial version of the Oxygen XML editor:

You’ll need to register for the trial version, and you’ll receive a registration code in an email.

2. Afternoon Hackathon

This afternoon session is a free-form hands-on session for experimentation and Q/A with experts. If you’re planning to work with TEI, please download and install the free trial of Oxygen (above). If you have a project you’re working on, feel free to bring a sample text to work on.

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Preparing for Workshop on Integrating DH into the Undergrad Curriculum

Folks who are interested in this workshop might want to have a look at the bibliography on our wiki. Just visit the site and request access.

On Friday, you’ll want to bring a laptop and an idea for a project you’d like to use in a course. We’ll spend the bulk of the time working on your assignments.

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Digital Media Content Production and Storytelling

I am interested in integrating online digital media into the storytelling process for Journalism students. My focus is on applying Journalism skills using video, audio, photography, interactive design and social media tools. Identifying the qualities of each media and applying them appropriately to individual stories.

However, not everyone is interested in such a narrow focus, so I’d like to share ideas and experiences on the topic of digital media/social media storytelling in general, as well as in depth.

The production skills for these tools are quite dense and I want to present them in such a way that students aren’t unevenly burdened with the technical process at the expense of the storytelling process.

Categories: Session Proposals | 6 Comments

Negotiating DH Projects in a Non-DH Environment

Coming from a school that is fairly traditional when it comes to scholarly work, some of our faculty express interest in DH projects but often do not end up pursuing these projects or work on them as side projects in addition to the traditional scholarship they must do for appointment and merit-based review. Generally it seems as though the departments are not opposed to DH projects, they simply won’t evaluate them during reviews because they don’t consider them comparable to publications or don’t know how to evaluate them. I think it would be valuable to have a conversation about how to approach DH projects in this type of environment, specifically:

  • Balancing DH projects with other scholarly work,
  • Approaches to gaining department support of DH projects,
  • Best practices in evaluating DH projects during the review process.

It might also be useful to discuss how IT and library staff can help to facilitate this process.

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Digital humanities, public humanities, and K-12 education

As exciting as new university DH Centers are, as much as they open up new methods of scholarship, I wonder how much their reach extends beyond universities to K-12 education and the general public.  How have digital humanities projects involved our K-12 students?  Our senior citizens? Our local government?  How can university DH centers, museums, and public libraries work together to include those outside university walls?  Should we / could we crowdsource geneaology, create internships for high school students, capture disappearing local history, create a TEI MOOC, more?  What sort of projects like this already exist?

I see some overlap with the Techno Haves and Have Nots session, in that I’m interested in how digital humanities projects are a vehicle by which the intellectual methods of the humanities can be brought to all that are interested (regardless of digital savvy or place in university.)

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Sustaining and Preserving Digital Projects

I’d like to have a conversation about how we plan for the future of digital humanities projects, especially the web-based components presenting contextualized data. I’m concerned about sustainability when we lose so many on-line resources each year. How can we build a reliable scholarly body of digital work when we risk losing the foundations?

My own work is focused on building a platform that allows reliable citation: citations that point to a given version of a resource, that reproduce that version of the resource, and do so for a long time.

I’d also love to demonstrate and discuss the code I’ve been working on.

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Bringing the human factor to digital humanities

I’ve noticed that most of the DH conversations center around how the humanities can use and benefit from  technology. I’d like to discuss how technology can benefit from/be influenced by the humanities.

Some ideas/questions:

  • Forums,  tribes and online friendships
  • Cyberbullying, trolling, stalking- ways to prevent, ways to cope, ways to respond
  • Social mores and customs online
  • The Academic Twitterazzi – the role of twitter/liveblogging/social media at conferences
  • Privacy, freedom of speech, censorship
  • To expand on the workshop Building an academic and professional persona online – what do our online identities say about us as people. What do we reveal and what do we keep private
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Customizing Omeka

I’d love to learn about how people are customizing their Omeka sites with a session along the lines of this one (“Making Content Shine with Omeka”) led by Amanda French at THATCamp Philly 2011.  On a broad level, I’d like to learn how people are re-purposing the organizational categories that Omeka comes out of the box with, such as “items,” “collections,” and “exhibits,” and what theoretical outlooks are informing the decision to say, change “exhibits” into “lesson plans.”  On a technical level, I’d like to see how people are customizing the “show items” php file to re-name and re-order some of the Dublin Core Fields.

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Graduate Student preparation in digital humanities

Clarissa Ceglio has a thoughtful post on this site that doesn’t seem to have made it to the session proposal page.  Clarissa writes:

One of the items I’d like to propose for discussion among fellow graduate students attending THATCamp NE is: what are your needs and interests regarding academic preparation to pursue work in the digital humanities field? This informal input, plus any blogging on the subject that fellow campers might be inclined to pursue on the topic, will be used to supplement a session at the American Studies Association Conference called, “Digital Dimensions of Graduate Education in American Studies.” Also, because digital humanities work is highly collaborative, I’d like to propose a session in which attendees can share their ideas about how to work together on project teams more effectively.

I agree with Clarissa but think graduate trainers would be interested as well in both topics.


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