Workshops – THATCamp New England 2012 The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 11 Dec 2012 16:10:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Updated Webpage for the Regular Expressions Workshop Sun, 21 Oct 2012 03:26:22 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

For anyone who took the Regular Expressions workshop, I’ve updated the workshop webpage with some new links and an edited and annotated transcript of everything I typed in that you saw up on the projector screen.  The transcript includes 215 lines of code that you can copy and paste into Python, along with 332 lines of annotation to explain what’s going on. There’s even a new section at the end that deals with printing out the word-frequency structure that we computed at the end of the workshop.

I also updated the example code, and, with extra annotations.

Thanks for such a great weekend of discussions and learning, and I hope some of you who were at my workshop get some use out of the updated materials.

a product from the undergrad curriculum workshop! Sat, 20 Oct 2012 13:46:06 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Thanks to Julie Swierczek, we have a helpful list of transcription software (since much of our discussion focused on the value of transcription for undergrads):

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Notes from “Regular Expressions, Text Processing, and Web Scraping” Workshop Fri, 19 Oct 2012 19:54:11 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I thought I would share the notes I took this morning during Jadrian Miles’ excellent workshop Regular Expressions, Text Processing, and Web Scraping. The notes include the a key to general RE commands, annotations on lines from the python scripts we used in the workshop (available here:, and annotated versions of some of the regular expressions we entered directly into the command line. There are also links to the RE tutorials Jadrian recommended.

Hopefully these will be a useful reference to others who attended the workshop, and maybe even peak the interest of those who weren’t there!

Regular Expressions Notes

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TEI from the Ground Up Wed, 17 Oct 2012 01:50:57 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

These are some instructions for preparing for the TEI workshop:

This TEI micro-workshop comes in two parts:

1. Introduction to TEI
This morning session will introduce the basic ideas of text encoding with the TEI. No laptops or advance preparation are required, but if you’d like to follow along on your own computer, please download and install the free trial version of the Oxygen XML editor:

You’ll need to register for the trial version, and you’ll receive a registration code in an email.

2. Afternoon Hackathon

This afternoon session is a free-form hands-on session for experimentation and Q/A with experts. If you’re planning to work with TEI, please download and install the free trial of Oxygen (above). If you have a project you’re working on, feel free to bring a sample text to work on.

Preparing for Workshop on Integrating DH into the Undergrad Curriculum Tue, 16 Oct 2012 16:25:42 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Folks who are interested in this workshop might want to have a look at the bibliography on our wiki. Just visit the site and request access.

On Friday, you’ll want to bring a laptop and an idea for a project you’d like to use in a course. We’ll spend the bulk of the time working on your assignments.

Customizing Omeka Sun, 14 Oct 2012 15:02:40 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I’d love to learn about how people are customizing their Omeka sites with a session along the lines of this one (“Making Content Shine with Omeka”) led by Amanda French at THATCamp Philly 2011.  On a broad level, I’d like to learn how people are re-purposing the organizational categories that Omeka comes out of the box with, such as “items,” “collections,” and “exhibits,” and what theoretical outlooks are informing the decision to say, change “exhibits” into “lesson plans.”  On a technical level, I’d like to see how people are customizing the “show items” php file to re-name and re-order some of the Dublin Core Fields.

Workshop on building an online professional persona Thu, 04 Oct 2012 00:16:46 +0000

Some sites that might be of interest on this topic:
Profhacker, part 1 and part 2
Lorcan Dempsey’s presentation for University of Pittsburgh
Kim Brabour and David Marshall, at First Monday

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