Data Visualization: From Discovery Tools to Visual Arguments

I would like to propose a session on data visualization.  How we do it (programs, techniques, etc.) and why we do it (data cleaning, discovery tools, visual arguments)?  The conversation will hopefully range from theories of information design (Edward Tufte/Ben Fry) to case studies brought by the participants.  What kind of data visualizations have you created or would like to create in the future?  What problems have you run into?

I would also like to spend some time at the end discussing the “ethics” of visualizing data. Images can come across as more “true” than text based explanation. How do we create visualizations that are honest reflections of our scholarship, making clear the limits and affordances of the data and tools we are using.

In the “Let’s make something!” THATCamp spirit, I suggest we compile a list of explanatory information that should be attached to data visualizations when they are published to ensure that people can “read” them appropriately.

Categories: Session Proposals |

About Jean Bauer

Jean Bauer is the Digital Humanities Librarian at Brown University.

2 Responses to Data Visualization: From Discovery Tools to Visual Arguments

  1. annakijas1 says:

    I second this proposal!

  2. I third this – sounds really interesting!

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